When my youngest was five years old, I was so happy to send her off to school to be around other kids. There was a four year difference between her and her next oldest sibling and I felt that she was bogged down helping me care for her brothers all day long. She was very social and I thought she would excel in school. I was wrong. The entire first year, she came home exhausted. She also came home with stories of bigger kids picking her up and carrying her around like a doll. We were going over her work with her and I was noticing that she wasn't really getting it. I felt she needed another year in kindergarten, but her teacher disagreed. She said that in kindergarten, social lessons were the most important and she was doing well.
On we went to first grade. I felt the same. I felt that she was not actually learning to read, but she was memorizing the books they read every day. Again the teacher reassured us that she was fine. Again in second grade, I voiced my concerns that she didn't seem to be getting it. The teacher smiled at me and said she had heard about me. I was shocked. She was trying to put me into my place and tell me I was too protective of my own child. She went on into third grade with rave reviews from her teachers. During this time I had also noticed that my second child was not speaking properly. His pediatrician said we could get private speech therapy at a ridiculous rate, or the state could pay for it. At this point every dollar mattered, so I went for the state speech therapy. It was good therapy and he was progressing. One day per week I took him to a local elementary school and he had a group lesson, plus he had a one on one lesson.
At the beginning of third grade came the first standardized tests in our school district, which was a practice test for the big end of year test. My daughter scored in the bottom ten percent. Of course the teacher frantically called a meeting and told us that our daughter would now be required to go to Saturday school to catch up. As much as I felt like saying, "I told you so", I didn't. I still figured they knew what was best, so I subjected my child to school five days a week. I also brought up my concern that she seemed to be taking longer to learn math than other kids. They said Saturday school would fix that. She was exhausted. School six days a week was too much. She started to dislike school. Later in the year, they gave another pre-test because she had done so poorly and she scored exactly the same. We had a meeting and I asked why we had exhausted her if her scores were not improving. They suggested after-school tutoring along with Saturday school. She said they were moving through multiplication quickly and were ready to move on. I knew then that I couldn't do this to my daughter. She was confused by simple addition and they wanted her to quickly move through multiplication? That would confuse her more!
I found my voice as a mom. I said we would not be doing Saturday school or after school tutoring and that I was going to look into homeschooling. I heard the gasp in the room from the principal and the teacher. They tried frantically to talk me out of homeschooling, but I knew now that they had misguided me for four years and I was finished listening to them. I walked out of that meeting with no idea where to start. I knew no one who homeschooled. I didn't know the laws, I didn't know where to start. I drove to the library and asked a librarian if she could point me to some resources.
The librarian was helpful and not only showed me where to find the homeschooling laws and instructions but she said she heard of a homeschool list that you could join and ask questions. I joined the list and sent a message that I was new and had no idea what to do. Someone suggested I join a local homeschool group, and I found them and applied. They invited me to my first meeting, but it was on a day when my second child had speech so I would need to leave early.
I went to the meeting, and when I said that I may need to leave early to take my son to school. Three moms rolled their eyes and walked away and I saw one talking about me to other moms. I said "school". I was blackballed. I stayed with that group for about a year before deciding that they weren't for me. Even a year later, they continued to treat me like I had leprosy.
My story is not your typical homeschool story. I sent my middle son to public school until he learned to speak, then homeschooled him. Homeschooling should be what works best for you and your family, not what snooty moms wearing $300 shoes tell you it should be.
These are your kids and you are their parent. You can homeschool all year or supplement in the summer or whatever you choose. We supplement summers because we tend to be very busy, but because my daughter forgets things quickly, we can't just walk away from schooling for 2 or more months.
In the spirit of rounding out the year's learning, I've rounded up 6 Super Supplements for your homeschool curriculum that are worth your time!
1. Times Tales
Times Tales helps kids get the upper hand on upper times tables. It's a fun, music-filled video that uses stories and mnemonic learning so little learners can't help but learn their upper times tables. It's been hailed by plenty of other bloggers and I can't say enough good. It's available in a DVD format but you can get started right away with the downloadable version. This is the same company who created Zone Cleaning for Kids. Needless to say, they're great!
Price: $14.95 (save $7)
2. Mona MELisa Peel, Play & Learn
Make learning stick with stickers! The Mona MELisa sets have BPA-free washable, reusable wall stickers that your kids will move with and learn from. For kinesthetic and visual learners, these are tops. I really like the Mini Solar System set to get started since it's portable, and you can look at the solar system in the summer sky and use what you've learned during the day together. The small set makes it perfect for summer mobility, whether you're headed to grandma's or on a road trip.
Price: $14.99 (save $7)

3. Petra Lingua Online Spanish Course for Kids
If you're looking to expand your kiddo's linguistic horizons, I really encourage you to try the Online Course by PetraLingua. I like Spanish not only because there are so many countries that speak it, but also because it's an approachable first foreign language. This course has interactive exercises, songs, videos and more, making learning a new language less intimidating, and way more fun. Si!
Price: $35.99 (save $12)
4. The Big Book of History
Did you know that modern robotics had its roots in the tea dolls of Japan? I had no idea, but this 15-foot Big Book of History showed me and my kiddos where it took place in our human timeline! I love that it's visual, and the time is illustrated with space. Kids will get excited about learning how Christian history and world history fold together and putting it all up on the wall!
Price: $14.99 (Save $5)
5. The Big Book of the Earth & Sky
I just love these big books! The Earth & Sky edition helps kids to discover the wonders of our earth from the elements to the earth's layers and everything in between. The 15-foot book makes an impression, and you can easily dovetail walks outside or gardening to these larger concepts. Again, a great book in the summer when the kiddos are out in the yard a bit more often!
Price: $14.99 (Save $5)

6. Artists of the World Home Enrichment Kit
What's a well-rounded round up without some arts for the science?! This kit brings fun and games to learning about the old master painters and impressionists. It comes with puzzles, games, all the tools you need for an interactive approach to learning about fine art. Your little one will be able to tell a Monet from a Van Gogh, and it may spark a lifelong appreciation of art, and curiosity in the history and science of art! Color me happy. :)
Price: $29.99 (save $14)
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